Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm energetic, excited, happy, and optomistic by nature, but for the past 48 hours or so I have been exceptionally excited and happy (yes, I'm excited for something just about all the time).

The main reason is because I had a great night with my favorite person ever, Bob. So I had been looking forward to that for a while and my excitement became uncontainable. We had great food and great conversation. It was awesome. I hadn't seen him in over a month and a half (which sucked)! I came home this weekend to see Bob. My parents even acknowledged that I was here to see him. Seeing them (and being home) is great, but had BT been busy, then I would have stayed in Boston.

Thank God he wasn't. As much as I love Berklee and its world-class faculty, none of them hold a candle to Bob in my book. I'm really looking forward to the summer, mainly because I'll get to see Bob on a weekly basis again. All of my friends hated Mondays in high school, but I loved them. Mondays meant I got to spend the evening playing and learning and hanging out with Bob.

And I'm really looking forward to having my weekly three to five hour night playing and learning and hanging out with Bob over the summer.

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