Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hunger Pains

For the past seven hours I have had the most intense side stitches, and I didn't even go running. I don't know what caused them, but I think it may be because I barely ate anything today. I didn't even realize it until I was talking to my roommate. I've had less than 1,300 calories today, and I normally eat at least 2,000. I could never have an eating disorder because I couldn't handle a pain like this all the time.

So that's what these are. Hunger pains. I'm seriously going to start donating money to organizations that provide food to starving people/countries because what I experienced today is, at the most, one one-hundredth of what a truly starving/emaciated person experiences every day. Every single day. I can't handle seven hours, nevermind a whole day.

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