Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tu Me Manques

As much a I love being in Europe, I do miss some people (yeah, you know who you are). It's funny though: Now that I have the Mac, I almost miss them more because I can communicate constantly. It definitely has more benefits than downsides, but still. It kills me in a way to know that I won't see ANY of my friends until the 19th at the earliest, and I won't see Bob until after the 22nd (sucks BIG TIME).

Most of you might ask if I miss them now, what will I do come Berklee time? Well, I'll have Danielle and Julia in the Boston-area. Julia (thank God) is right down the street, and Danielle is a T-ride away. Unfortunately, Drew is going be in UMaine (Orono), Jordan's going to be at Colby (Waterville), and Alex will be in DC (which is actually the easiest for me to get to). But college is different than being abroad with only your family--you make friends at school. Don't get me started on Bob. I hate knowing that I won't see him on Monday. Yes, I'll be in Copenhagen, but a big part of me wants to (almost needs to) see Bob on Monday.

...I just realized why I miss my friends so much. Everytime I've been to Europe, I've gone with at least one of my close friends (and Dale came once, too). This time I'm only with my parents! And we're not going 24/7. I don't have Debbie to entertain me. I don't have Mrs. Roller to get me lost at 1 in morning in Italy. I don't have Danielle to break any toilets or to fall asleep as the maintenance man comes to fix the drain. I don't have Jordan to be my on-again-off-again boyfriend. I don't have Julia to be the only European-looking American with me. It's much different, and I love change, but I think I enjoy Europe with friends more than I do with parents. Not that I'm not enjoying it, but you know what I mean. Even if I have a guitar, I'd rather have my best friends with me.

I think once we're out of Ireland, it'll be much more fun. Dublin's cool, but I can't wait for London.

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