Monday, August 4, 2008

Bruce'll Stop The Rain

Saturday night was just about the best night of my life (or at least the best concert I've been to). Based on a purely musical basis, Bruce beats the Who and Billy Joel (the experiences I had at those two shows involve interaction with the artist. So..yeah).

Bruce is my guy. There is no one I love more than him. He's number one. With the exception of Mark Fisher, I don't know anyone that loves Bruce as much as I do. I can't even explain it. Like...I don't even know what it is about him that I adore so much. It's a combination of everything: the music, the personality, the beliefs, the showmanship, the energy, the band...I can't get enough of him. He's the only artist I love 24/7 (okay, he's one of two--Billy Joel). I go through a lot of phases. Some days I want to marry John Mayer, some days he gets on my nerves. I've never said, "You know, I'm not in the mood for Bruce." I'm
always in the mood for Bruce. I've been like this for more than two years now, and there's no end in sight. If you get into Bruce when you're young, there's no stopping. You don't just stop being a Bruce fan. His music buries itself deep in your soul. It would take a million years for it to crawl out of you. And the only person that could possibly live for a million years is Keith Richards.

It poured Saturday night. And I mean that. I've never seen it rain so hard in my life. Bruce didn't come on stage until a little after nine. But he made up for being tardy (and he stopped the rain). His set-list was near-perfect. Only Ramrod, Bobby Jean, Darkness, and Candy's Room could have made it better. He's so wild on stage, I love it. I cried several times, to be honest. I get very emotional at concerts, especially at Springsteen shows. As Bob said: It's great to have heroes. Bruce is my hero. As big of a guitar freak that I am, I'll take Bruce over them all. They can't do what he does. Nobody can. And maybe nobody should. His shows are indescribable. He pours his heart out night after night. I would trade in ten Red Sox/Yankees games for one Bruce Show. Yes. I am being 100% honest (when do I lie anyway?). Bruce means more to me than any baseball game could. Game Seven field box seat at Fenway or floor seats at Bruce? Bruce.

I have an inexplicable passion for him. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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