Monday, January 12, 2009

What A Mess!

My room is such a mess! I have dirty and clean clothes all over the floor, a huge suitcase that still has clothes in it, and I haven't made my bed in two days. You can barely see my bureau, I've got shoes everywhere, and my backpack and guitar case are just kind of thrown off to the side. There's a random shopping bag in the corner. My night stand has piles of books on it, and there are instructions to my camera in here somewhere. I have to clean it tomorrow. Otherwise, I will drive myself crazy.

Most creative people thrive in a messy environment, but I just get distracted. I stop creating and start cleaning.

That's not entirely true, I can work in any environment, I just work faster with less to distract me.

I gotta get some sleep now.

Check out the Ting Tings, in case you haven't already. They're a really fun band!

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