Sunday, June 28, 2009

Unintentional Hiatus

Wow, I have been neglecting my blog lately. I have no reason, either. I've been busy doing other things, most of which could have easily been replaced with blogging. Ah well, I'm here now.

I didn't get the memo that June is now the rainy season in the Northeast. It's only been sunny for approximately two days all month. It's been pretty depressing.

Other than the rain, everything's pretty rockin'. I've recorded a few songs, take a listen if you want to:

Keep On With The Climb

White Boy Blues

(Sidenote: I'm going to record a new solo on White Boy Blues. I don't care for it, and I can do better. I might even get some full band recordings on here. It's in the works.)

I've been working on a lot of other songs, too. They should be up in the near future so be on the look out! I'm always open to feedback/advice.

Everything else in my life right now is swell. I just need to practice a bit more, sleep a bit more (I should be in bed now...Oops), and run some more (if the sun ever comes out! I hate treadmills). Oh yeah, and go to the beach. I've been once, and it was in May. I didn't think I'd get much time to go, but this is a bit much. I couldn't wait to get back to my coast after being landlocked in the Midwest for a few days, and I don't even think I've been to the beach once since coming back. Sad. Oh well, I have hope that July will bring sunnier days!

I'll write more when I have more to say. I thought I had more to say, but I guess I don't!

That being said, I'm gonna go.

Until next time (which will be soon!), watch this. It's become one of my favorite live songs ever:

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